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How to choose the best insurance for your lifestyle?


Taking out insurance is an important step in anyone’s life. After all, in addition to keeping assets protected in cases of theft or accident, this guarantee avoids headaches and increases the safety of the whole family. But how do you choose when there are so many types of protection on the market? Precisely for this reason, in order to choose the best insurance according to your needs and expectations, it is necessary to evaluate all the options.

How about finding out right now which is the best insurance for your lifestyle? Check below which are the main types of existing protection and discover the most suitable solution for your case!

Life insurance

Unfortunately, nothing in this life is 100% guaranteed, right? Therefore, if your objective is to ensure your own well-being and that of your family, life insurance is the most suitable option.

In addition to guaranteeing that your family members will receive compensation in the event of the provider’s death, whether accidental or natural, life insurance can also be extended to permanent or temporary disability, as well as to serious or terminal illnesses.

At the end of the day, therefore, life & eye health insurance protects both the insured’s family and himself in situations of loss or reduction of income due to health reasons.  

auto insurance

Indicated for people who have durable goods, auto insurance is the most sold modality in the country. In addition to cars being one of the main assets of Brazilian families, the risk of theft and accidents here is great, mainly due to the heavy traffic and the increase in crime in the cities.  

Another possibility is that the insured is the cause of an accident that results in serious consequences, such as deaths, injuries, and damage to third-party vehicles.

For these reasons and others, if you want to protect yourself against any eventual occurrence in this sense, try to invest in an insurance policy for your car!

real estate insurance

Residential or real estate insurance seeks to protect the property against certain unforeseen events, such as fires and natural disasters, which are considered the most common claims for this type of property. But it is possible to extend protection to other eventualities, such as against theft and electrical damage. Some insurers even offer facilities like 24-hour assistance for home repairs.  

As the home is usually considered the main asset of a person, taking out insurance is a highly recommended option. And those who use the property for lease should also invest in this type of insurance in order to protect their source of income, see?

business insurance

A little less known than the others, business insurance offers coverage for businesses and commercial ventures, guaranteeing the protection of companies’ assets against possible risks to which they are exposed, such as fire.  

Indicated for individuals and legal entities, owners or renters of commercial, industrial or service establishments, business insurance seeks to provide more security and tranquility to businesses.

Travel insurance

Recommended especially (but not only) in cases of travel abroad, this type of protection brings several guarantees to the insured. In addition to coverage for death and disability, the insurance also prevents the traveler from having to spend high amounts in case of need for medical consultations or hospital care, for example.

There are also insurance options that offer assistance and assistance in different situations, such as in the case of lost luggage, loss of documents, or due to some need to anticipate the return home.

Regardless of your requirement or lifestyle, having insurance protection is essential to ensure your safety, peace of mind, and well-being. Therefore, before closing any deal, try to make sure that you are hiring the most suitable option for your demands!

Count on a reliable insurance broker to make sure you make the best decision for your life! 

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