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Methods, benefits and harms of Parsvottanasana

Methods, benefits and harms of Parsvottanasana

Like other yoga asanas, Parsvottanasana also originated in ancient India and is practised all over the world today. Parsvottanasana mainly brings flexibility in the spine as well as removes the stiffness of the hip joints. It is a medium-grade yoga pose and can be performed by even a beginner with the help of a yoga instructor. In Parsvottanasana, the shape of the body becomes like a pyramid and hence it is known as “Pyramid Pose” in English.

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Benefits of Pyramid Pose:

If Parsvottanasana yoga posture is done with the right technique and taking care of special things, then many health benefits can be obtained from it –

1. Parsvottanasana helps to relieve back pain

By doing Parsvottanasana with the right technique, it reduces the stiffness of the back and gets rid of pain in the back.

2. Make the spine flexible with Parsvottanasana

During the yoga practice of Parsvottanasana, there are significant bends in the spine, which increases flexibility.

3. Make the muscles of the thighs strong, Parsvottanasana

Parsvottanasana starts exercising the hamstrings and other muscles present in the thighs and they become stronger over time.

4. Improve mental health with Parsvottanasana

Practising Parsvottanasana on a regular basis gives mental peace and gets rid of symptoms like depression, stress and anxiety.

However, the health benefits of Parsvottanasana largely depend on the method of yoga asana and the health condition of the practitioner.


Steps to do Pyramid Pose:

If you are going to practice Parsvottanasana for the first time, then following steps may help you to make this yoga posture –

Step 1 – First of all, by laying a mat on a flat ground, stand in Tadasana posture.

Step 2 – Take the left foot behind the right foot and keep it at a distance of at least two feet

Step 3 – Raise both the hands up and slowly start bending forward

Step 4 – During this, keep the waist straight and bend the body from the hip joint.

Step 5 – While bending forward, start bringing the hands forward as well.

Step 6 – When your face comes close to the right knee, place the palms on the right foot.

Step 7 – If you want, you can also bring the hands behind the waist in the posture of joining hands.

Keep this yoga posture for the duration as per your capacity and then slowly come back to normal state. If you have any questions related to Parsvottanasana posture, then contact a good yoga instructor.


Precautions during Pyramid Pose:

Parsvottanasana practice is usually done under the supervision of a yoga instructor and during this it is necessary to take the following precautions –

  • First of all do warm-up and stretching exercises
  • Do not eat or drink anything just before starting yoga
  • Do not do any action by force or let there be any shock in the body
  • During this, keep full focus on the yoga posture only.


When not to do Pyramid Pose:

There are some health conditions during which a doctor’s permission should be taken before practising Parsvottanasana –

  • severe pain or injury to any part of the body
  • dizziness or feeling weak
  • sick or old age
  • high or low BP
  • respiratory or heart disease
  • pregnancy or menstruation