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Our Sleep Specialist, Dr. Shelby Harris, Offers His Opinion

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Bed Bath And Beyond Wedding Registry, Bed Bath And Beyond Bedding can improve your sleep quality, your mood, your heart health, your memory, and even your immune system’s performance.. In order to maintain optimal health and well-being, the National Sleep Foundation recommends that people need seven to nine hours of sleep a night.

Dr. Shelby Harris, a psychologist and board-certified behavioural sleep specialist, provided us some tips on how to get a better night’s sleep.


Make The Most Of Your Surroundings

Deprivation is a ray of light for those who frequently use Bed Bath And Beyond Wedding Registry. Install light-blocking shades to prevent the brain from picking up even a tiny quantity of light coming in through your drapes on an overcast morning.

With Bed Bath And Beyond Bedding, you can rest easy knowing that your bedroom is a serene haven. In order to keep your bedroom quiet, you can use noise-canceling headphones, silicone earplugs, or white noise machines. Bed Bath and Beyond Coupon can also be used to get a discount.

As a result of allergies, snoring and congestion might arise, making it difficult to sleep. There are also certain common house plants that are known to clear the air such as the hypoallergenic bedding you should use and an air purifier you should place in your Bed Bath And Beyond Wedding Registry, Bed Bath And Beyond Bedding.


Pick Out The Correct Bedding

For a simple bed, choose for percale sheets with a clean, basic texture. Even the coldest of sleepers will be enticed to warm their beds with silky and soft materials. Cotton sateen Bed Bath And Beyond Wedding Registry, Bed Bath And Beyond Bedding are a good example of sateen sheets that are both soft and attractive to the touch.


Find A Supportive Pillow

It’s important to make sure the pillows you pick are comfortable for the way you want to rest. If you want to sleep on your side, buy a pillow that provides additional neck support rather than one that is flatter if you like to do so on your stomach. If you want even more support while you sleep, consider adding a couple of fluffy down pillows to your Bed Bath And Beyond Bedding set.


Set The Ideal Temperature With The Help Of Your Thermometer.

Mid-to-high seventies Fahrenheit is the ideal temperature range for a bed bath and beyond wedding registry, bed bath and beyond bedding (60 to 72 degrees Celsius). In order to find the optimal sleeping temperature, some trial and error is required; a room that is too warm is difficult to fall asleep in and stay asleep, while a room that is too cool is difficult to sleep in at all.

To avoid overheating while sleeping with a down comforter, layer your Bed Bath And Beyond Wedding Registry and Bed Bath And Beyond Bedding carefully. Using multiple layers of bedding will help you sleep better and keep you warm at night (such as a down comforter and sheets).


Slumber On.

Wearing an eye mask can help reduce the amount of light entering your eyes when the sun rises sooner than expected in the morning. As an added benefit, look for one with an appealing texture and weight on the exterior. Even while wearing a mask for the first few times can be difficult, it will become second nature after wearing it several times during the day.


Time To Relax And Unwind

It’s a good idea to sit down and meditate for a few minutes before going to bed. In your bedroom, create a quiet space where you can meditate for five to 10 minutes before going to sleep. You can decompress by engaging in activities such as reading, crocheting, and light yoga and stretching.

There are several ways to warm up your body and mind, such as a hot shower or Bed Bath And Beyond Wedding Registry, Bed Bath And Beyond Bedding. Prior to bedtime, take melatonin supplements so that your body and brain can relax and your melatonin production begins.

It’s okay to have a cup of herbal decaf in the evening; however, limit the amount of liquid you consume to prevent late-night bathroom trips. At least three hours before going to sleep, stop drinking any kind of liquids. Do not drink more than one small cup of tea before retiring for the night.


I Hope Your Day Is Going Well!

Getting up to bright sunshine is a wonderful experience, even though darkness is better for sleep. Get out of bed, open the blinds, and take a few deep breaths to start your day. Better sleep at night can be achieved by waking up at the same time each day and exposing your body to bright light (even if it’s cloudy outside).

Your body’s internal clock has been set, making it easier to fall asleep at night as a result of getting up at the same time every day. The sunrise and sunset can be simulated by the LEDs on many modern alarm clocks. An alarm clock with a built-in bedside light from the Bed Bath and Beyond Wedding Registry, Bed Bath and Beyond Bedding is a nice option to help wind down before bedtime.


Discover Your Own Nesting Style

Take our Nest well to Rest well quiz to discover your sleeping style. To help you sleep better, Bed Bath And Beyond Wedding Registry and Bed Bath And Beyond Bedding offer product recommendations and guidance.