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SUGAM: The Best UPSC Mains Answer Writing Course

Mains answer writing

Best UPSC Mains Answer Writing

We all are well-versed with how much creativity and perseverance is required to undertake the best UPSC Mains answer writing course. Along the same lines, Eden IAS has launched SUGAM meaning “easy” which is an Mains Answer Writing course for beginners spanning 16 weeks that can teach you the art of answer writing and can enhance them.

The Issue of UPSC answer writing

Mains answer writing has always been a problem for beginners. This is because they tend to give more importance to the objective-natured Prelims examination over the subjective Mains examination. As a result, they struggle in writing lengthy and good answers.

Another aspect is comparing their answers with that of a topper during the initial days of answer writing. Writing good answers doesn’t come overnight. So, such a comparison often downgrades your morale and demotivates you to continue practicing. 

In most cases, aspirants do not consult an evaluator. Self-evaluation isn’t of many benefits if not done correctly. There is a high possibility that you might be under-marking or over-marking yourself. With their confidence touching rock bottom, they eventually give up. 

So, it is recommended that beginners should opt for this program and should approach the problem face to face. The best solution is to start today with SUGAM the best UPSC Mains answer writing course.

SUGAM IAS Answer Writing course

It is an Mains answer writing course for beginners who have completed their syllabus and now wish to learn and practice answer writing effectively. Here each of the four GS papers is taken up each month. Students are made to answer four questions each day. And six answers per week. Best of all, the Eden IAS team will be evaluating your answer sheets within 72 hours, and that too with individual feedback. 

Initially, students are taught how to write effective answers. They are shown model answers. They are made to beat their previous answers and enhance their answers, under this course.

After opting for SUGAM, you will realize that:

  • You will be able to make out what’s important and what’s not: The syllabus is vast for those who ain’t able to make out what’s important and what’s not. After opting for SUGAM, you will get a fair idea about the most important portions of the syllabus. 
  • You have become consistent: You will start enjoying answer writing and you will be consistent. The feeling of “quitting or giving up” will leave your mind. 
  • You will start pestering your mentors: Remember the days when you remain sitting while doubts pop up in your head? With SUGAM, you won’t be afraid of asking doubts since they have these individual doubt sessions called “doubt counters” wherein students can pester the faculty individually and can seek a clarification of their doubts. 
  • You will be able to race against time: Time management will be a child’s play for you since you have practiced a lot. You will be able to perform well. 

So, this course is lucrative for all the UPSC CSE aspirants who want to crack the exam in their upcoming attempts. Get enrolled in SUGAM Mains answer writing now!

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